One of the most important things to be mindful of with the quickly approaching summer months is whether your property is safe for anyone who may enter it. It is crucial that you take a look around your property to make sure it is safe, especially right before you are planning to have guests over. If someone were to be injured on your property because you failed to make sure it was safe, you may be in for a legal battle that no one ever wants to be involved in.
One of the places people spend the most time outside during the summer is on a deck or a porch. They’re great for entertaining, eating dinner on nice nights, and tend to be the gateway from a yard into a house. However, if they are not taken care of, people can get hurt. Many common injuries in this situation come from a loose piece of wood or stone, a nail that is sticking up, or an unsecured handrail.
Another aspect to check before you have guests over is the safety of any swing sets or playgrounds that children might play on. As the seasons change, the various parts of a swing set can become weathered so it is important to take a look at it before anyone gets hurt. It is also important to note that New York State requires all residential swimming pools to have a fence or wall barrier that is at least 4 feet tall and surrounds the entire pool. If someone who can’t swim were to fall into your pool and get injured because you didn’t have a fence, you can expect to be involved in a lawsuit.
If you have questions about premises liability, contact an experienced personal injury attorney today.
If you are in need of legal counsel in regards to a personal injury or workers’ compensation case in New York state, please contact The Law Offices of Jonathan D. Sands and we would be happy to assist you.