What Makes A Motorcycle Accident Different From A Car Accident?

acceladmin   January 16, 2017   Comments Off on What Makes A Motorcycle Accident Different From A Car Accident?

Motorcycles are a great way to get around. They are usually less expensive than motor vehicles. They’re very easy to maneuver in and out of traffic. The problem with motorcycles, however, is some of the things that make them so appealing also is very dangerous. Vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses, may not appreciate the motorcycles in the area, or they may assume the motorcycle is going to drive erratically because some motorcycle riders do that.  If there is contact between a car and a motorcycle, there is very little protection that the motorcyclist has from contact with the other car, from the pavement, from fixed objects like signs or telephone poles, and the injuries can be very serious.

Interestingly, motorcycles are not considered motor vehicles for the purposes of the insurance law in New York. Because they’re not motor vehicles, they are not covered by no-fault insurance. There’s no fault insurance, but there’s no no-fault insurance coverage available to a motorcyclist. If he’s injured in an accident his medical expenses are not going to be paid by that no fault insurance, and he’s going to have to look elsewhere for the insurance or pay out of pocket for those expenses.

The other significant difference is, because motorcyclists are not covered by no-fault, they are not subject to the serious injury rule that is required for motor vehicle accidents. Even a minor injury, even if it’s just a sprained pinky, conceivably, the motorcyclist could start a lawsuit for that. Unfortunately, most motorcycle accidents are much more serious than that, much more serious that you would find in an automobile accident, and it places drivers at a serious disadvantage.

If you are in need of legal counsel in regards to a personal injury in New York, please contact The Law Offices of Jonathan D. Sands and we would be happy to assist you.