Truck Accidents

New York City Truck Accident Attorney

semi-trailers-534575_960_720Representing NYC victims after truck accidents

It is no surprise that New York has some of the most dangerous highways populated by some of the most aggressive drivers in America. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes often carelessly travel from one location to another with little concern for others on the roads. Truck accidents are frequent occurrences on the roads of New York State. If you are involved in an accident, you are at risk for injury. If you are involved in an accident with a truck, the chance of serious injury increases dramatically. Truck drivers have guidelines to which they need to adhere in order to comply with various laws, rules and regulations. When truck drivers deviate from responsible driving, they place other vehicles’ occupants at risk of injury. If you have been injured in an accident involving a truck you may be able to recover damages for personal injuries, medical bills, and lost wages. The accident may have been caused by the truck driver’s negligence or by mechanical issues. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident involving a truck, contact the Law Offices of Jonathan D. Sands for a free consultation.

Factors that lead to truck accidents

The job of a truck driver: Truck drivers have a very difficult job. They are under overwhelming pressure by their employers to make up the time lost by federal restrictions limiting their allotted hours allowed on the road. According to the Federal Motor Carriage Safety Administration, truck drivers are limited to 11 hours of driving within a 14 hour work day. Truck drivers may not work more than 70 hours a week, down from the previous 82-hour work week. While the federal government had the intention of protecting the overworked and exploited truck driver, employers did not want a change in productivity. So, in reality, truck drivers feel even more pressure to meet their employers’ expectations. Unfortunately, this combination has resulted in more careless operation by some drivers.

Visibility: Trucks are large. Trucks are hard to maneuver. It is well known that trucks have blind spots. If you are in a small vehicle traveling alongside a truck, there is good chance that the truck driver does not know that you are there. Blind spots have been a cause of many accidents leading to other drivers becoming trapped, run off the road, and more.

Weight: Trucks can be enormous and can hold an amazing amount of weight. The breaking distance of trucks is much greater than for other smaller motor vehicles given their size and weight. For example, if a truck has an average length of 45 to 65 feet and weighs up to 80,000 lbs, it would take about 2 football fields for a truck to come to a complete stop, 525 feet. If that same truck was exceeding the speed limit, it would require a greater distance to come to a stop. In an emergency situation, the truck might not be able to stop quickly enough to either avoid an accident or to avoid causing an accident.

Mechanical problems: Trucks are susceptible to mechanical problems like any other vehicle. Breakdowns, tire blowouts, and brake issues are just some of the issues that can lead to accidents caused by mechanical issues. Often these mechanical issues are the result of normal wear and tear, although these issues also might arise when the truck is not maintained or inspected properly.

Contact a Westchester County truck accident law firm

Unfortunately, truck accidents happen all too frequently and victims of these collisions often suffer very serious injuries. It is important to contact an attorney who can protect your interests and represent your legal needs. The Law Offices of Jonathan D. Sands has been fighting on its clients’ behalf for nearly 20 years. Contact us today to discuss your case.